A Quick Peek at Antrarctic Lifeforms

When most people think of Antarctica, they probably think of one of a few things: penguins; snow and cold climates; or the South Pole. Not everyone realizes that Antarctica is actually the world’s largest desert, with an area equalling the Sahara, Australian, and Arabian Deserts combined. In fact, it is home to some of the driest places on the planet. In addition to the cold and harsh environment, there’s little that wants to live there. That doesn’t stop life from looking to flourish on our coldest continent.


The sun shines down on the partially snow-covered tundra, the days becoming longer and warmer. Snow melt can be heard trickling down through the rocky landscape towards the river. It’s also the first time in eight months that Sik, an arctic ground squirrel, peeks his head outside of his burrow.

Zoological Necromancy

The first thing you ought to do is make sure you have all the materials you will need and know how to use them. The best way to do this is read the entire guide *first* and *then* collect them.