don't look, don't watch
as the sun rises to start a new day
as the dark blues give way to soft orange
as the sun arcs across the sky
and kisses your skin
bringing warmth and light

don't look, don't watch
as the sun and moon start their soiree
as the sun slowly disappears behind the moon
as the sun still shines brightly
as though nothing is different
the missing piece not yet a hindrance

don't look, don't watch
as the sky starts to darken
as the air cools and the crickets chatter
as the sun begins to disappear
behind its dance partner
lest the dance forever leave its mark

Look! Watch!
when the soiree is in full swing
the sun no more than a thin ring around the new moon
fiery red jewels pass between them
their dance radiating around them
they have finally come together once again

and when the moon starts to leave
and the sun gives away their diamond ring
don't look, don't watch

when the sun slowly starts to become whole once more
when the warmth and light return
don't look, don't watch

as the crickets go to sleep and the birds wake
as the day continues as though nothing happened
don't look, don't watch

until the next time the sun and moon dance